
Elleree Fletcher is a multimedia artist that questions female identity. Using collage, ink, paint, and performance, she explores her own femininity, the process of “becoming a woman,” and how technology is changing the way we present and see ourselves.


Raised in Aspen, CO, the artist grew up surrounded by hyper-femininity and artificial beauty. When Fletcher was nine, her mother went to the hospital for an operation. Fletcher saw her mom bedridden and bandaged around the chest, but neither parent would explain why. It wasn’t until school the next day that a fellow classmate enlightened her, “Ha! Your Mom got a boob job!” Fletcher was shocked to hear the truth, but even from a young age she understood that large breasts were praised in society. This was not the only instance of alteration that Fletcher was exposed to; many women in her hometown made similar choices. Being surrounded by stereotypical femininity and body alteration made a drastic impact on the artist. She has been questioning gender performance ever since.